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The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes!

  • Posted by Clickbank Reviews
  • at January 09, 2019 -

Hello! How are you? I tried to get a lil off the grid over the holidays so I didn’t check in with Sasha Medea or read blogs or respond to text messages (sorry Mom). But I’m BACK! And I want to feel like I’m back with running too so I’m thinking about my goals for this year. I have a few races on the calendar so far and need to figure out GOAL RACES next. But before we talk about new year, new goals… Let’s run down the BEST parts of last year.

The best running and food of the year (427x640)

Here’s a round up of my favorite runs, races and recipes from last year. This is my favorite food or recipes, running highlights and life updates that I want to share and discuss.

(Note: I wrote the post with everything and realized it’s super long. So this is just the best running updates – the food and fun and life updates are coming next)

Run Eat Repeat podcast 2


I don’t really keep track of my mileage, but I do wear a running GPS watch and that tracks it for me. So I looked up my mileage for the whole year and was surprised that I ran so much. I feel like I had a really ‘off’ year. I think when I first went through my separation and eventual divorce I was running and walking a lot. It was aimless and a lot of junk miles, but I just would go out and do some sorta run 6 days of the week.

But this year I transitioned to a different step in the grieving process and just felt unmotivated, unorganized and uninspired. A lot of un-words! So I felt like I ran a lot less. I only did 1 marathon! That’s SHOCKING to me. Ever since I ran my 1st marathon I’ve run several each year! One year I ran 9 marathons!

Right before the Revel Big Bear Marathon I realized I hadn’t run a full in over a year – since the Boston Marathon!!

And that mind F**ked me big time. It made me unsure of my running abilities and fitness. And more importantly, it made me question… Who am I? What am I even doing?

That’s not me trying to be dramatic –  the timing of my separation and some of the things I was told at that time… tied in directly with running. So I just focused on getting through the Boston Marathon without having a public breakdown. After that I didn’t have any running or racing goals because I felt like what I was working towards was unimportant and irrelevant. I stopped working towards a PR in the marathon and potential BQ. It felt sad and pointless. I felt sad and pointless? Both??

I didn’t realize that I kind of fell off the wagon with running until right before Revel Big Bear. I think I was probably stuck in some combination of grief and anxiety for a big chunk of time. Looking back now – I really haven’t been myself for a long time.

Luckily, I kept running because I love it. It’s fun and a good way to get some good endorphins, think, cry, listen to podcasts, stay in shape…

So yeah, this year I didn’t accomplish any major running goals. But I survived, didn’t take up any super self-destructive habits, didn’t lose faith, tried to become a better person and got through several challenges – they just happened to be adult stuff not running stuff.

Moving on –  instead of focusing on what I didn’t do – let’s talk about what I did…

I did run several half marathons, 1 full marathon and a lot of miles! (Randomly, my best half marathon isn’t recorded on the Garmin Connect calendar? There’s no mileage recorded at all for that weekend so I actually ran more than the record shows! Boom.)


mileage total for 1 year

miles run and calories burned total (640x640)

Miles I ran last year: 2,536*

Calories I burned: 272,234

Calories I ate: +8,986,246,544

*Note: At least 1 race isn’t recorded in this total but there may be more. I’m not concerned enough about it to try and go back and check to see other days where I know I ran but the calendar doesn’t show it. This is a good estimate and if anything I’ve run more and not less so I don’t feel like I’m cheating myself on this.

Miles and calorie count runner totals (1) (640x640)

Focus on what YOU did not what you failed to do. Then, focus on what you want to do next.

Stay positive. Give yourself credit for every tiny victory.



lexus lace up Irvine half marathon discount

Overall I’m just super grateful for so many things. That’s what I want to focus on as I look back on last year’s running.

I’m grateful for…

The miles I ran.

You! Thank you for following along. I really like you.

My body. I didn’t get injured this year!

Brooks Running Shoes. I put so many miles on them!

My family and friend. I’m able to do this because they’ve always supported me.

My education. If not my ability to create and RER on social media – I wouldn’t be able to do this.

Runners on Instagram and Facebook – the running community is awesome! Runners are the best.

California. The weather and all the races make it a lot easier than it would be other places.

This time. I’m glad I live in a time and place where it’s safe, normal, accepted, etc to be a runner.

I’m just super grateful for running and Run Eat Repeat and all the opportunities I have because of it. I’m very blessed.


Let’s move on to the highlights and recaps!!

I put together a list of my favorite running themed posts from last year. There are some race recaps, tips and training plan posts below. Let me know if you have any questions. I’m here to help.

Monica Olivas bio 1

 Best Runs, Races and Running posts of the Year:

Half Marathon Training Plan for new or returning runners – check out this newbie half marathon training plan for your first 13.1 miler.

Surf City Half Marathon recap with Steve – my best race of the year! I pushed myself and ran fast and had fun running with Coach Steve.

Run Eat Repeat race photo

PCRF Half Marathon Irvine, CA – Local half marathon that raises money for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 

OC Half Marathon race recap – I don’t even remember this one! That’s why I have this blog – to be my memory.

My favorite running shorts – probably one of the most asked questions about running and running gear I always get!

The Best Running shorts podcast 1

The one marathon I ran this year – Revel Big Bear Marathon Recap. Thank God for SkinnyRunner and you for sticking with me as I tried to get back on the wagon.

Revel Marathon Big Bear Race Results podcast blog results run

Half Marathon Training Plan – 10 weeks long training plan for a half marathon race.

Las Vegas Half Marathon Race Recap – The race known as ‘Strip at Night’ is a blast!

What I are before the Las Vegas Half Marathon – it’s a race with a late start so it can be hard to time up fuel.

What I ate before the Half Marathon Las Vegas #StripAtNight (800x450)

Lexus Lace Up Race Series – Riverside Half Marathon recap and challenge. Love this race series! This was the grand finale!!

Lexus Lace Up Half Marathon irvine 13 (800x782)

And now for my Running Goals for This Year…

1. Run 1 dress rehearsal marathon, 1 fun marathon (I’m doing one out of the country!!) and 1 goal marathon.

2. Figure out a long term running plan to stay in half marathon shape and also spend time on strength and cross-training.

3. … I’m not sure?? Those might be fine for me, but I’m open to finding another goal.

What are your goals?

Oh, and because I love ‘em… here are some funny New Year’s Resolutions memes I found like looking for inspiration on my goal setting.

new years resolutions fun


new years resolution list

new year twitter

dog resolutions

new year fun

new year res


new years resolution funny

Question: What was your BEST Running accomplishment or moment of last year?

Me: I think running over 2500 miles last year is the thing I’m most proud of! And also I’m glad I ran a marathon last year and it was really great to be able to run with SR again!!

If you’re not sure about your running goals – check out the How to Plan Your Race Calendar post for some tips on planning!


The post The BEST of the Year Races, Running and Recipes! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat


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