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Momaste Hi hi friends How was the weekend? I hope you had a great one, and that all of my mama friends enjoyed a happy Mother’s Day. It was an amazing one, and it was so nice getting to spend some time as a family together again. After dinner on Friday night (we walked around the mall for a while then grabbed dinner at Surcheros, a new Chipotle copycat that makes me very thankful), the Pilot and I popped a bottle of Prosecco and watched the girls run around outside and play. They’re outside so much more often here in Georgia than we ever were in San Diego. It’s funny because we lived right by the beach, but because our backyard was teeny tiny (and there were always people walking down our street), when we went outside it was more of an official event. Our here, they have a ton of space to drive their Power Wheels around, ride scooters, and make mud pies, just like Kyle and I used to do when we were little. Want to take a wild guess if I ran the 5k on Saturday? I even had all of my gear out, ready to go. Nope, I totally ditched it. (I can see all of your surprised faces through the computer screen.) I was looking forward to it, but in the end, sleep won, especially after 4 weekends of solo parenting. Also, it was a cross country 5k and I could see myself trying to *race* it (even though I haven’t raced in years now) and spraining my ankle or something stupid. So… I slept in a little instead. Just called me the Finessista-ish.  We had breakfast here at home before heading out to Wild Adventures. In the past, we’d usually just go for a couple of hours, but planned to go all out and hit the water park after the theme park. The girls had SO much fun. We got to pet the animals in the petting zoo, ride all of their favorite rides, feed the giraffes, and enjoy the water park before it started to rain. We were all totally exhausted afterwards in the best way. Dinner was a quick and easy Sunbasket meal, (turkey burgers with sweet potato wedges and tomato relish) and we took a family “nature walk” before doing the bedtime rituals. I started this little thing as a way to get in a family walk after dinner while the Pilot was gone. I’ll make a short list of things to find while we’re on our walk, and the girls get really into it. The list will include items like a red leaf, a pretty bird, a piece of trash (that we’ll pick up), and a squirrel.  After putting the kiddos to bed, we stayed up way too late watching Shameless. Just finished the 2nd second and it was crazy as usual.  Sunday was Mother’s Day, which means I slept until 9:30 and it was BEEEEAUUUUTIFUL. When I woke up, the Pilot and the girls came back from their Target adventure, and we grabbed brunch at Birdie’s, which is easily our favorite Valdosta spot. We just try to avoid burning out, so we’ll only go max once every other week or so.  Carafe of mimosas, and I got the usual eggs with sweet potato hash. We missed my madre, nana, MIL, and stepmom, but I loved spending the day with the people who made me a mom. I’m so thankful to be the mama for these amazing little ladies. They keep me on my toes, crack me up, and fill my heart every single day. We spent some time hanging out at home, I got the sweetest, most wonderful cards, and then headed off to an afternoon yoga class. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken a class – it’s been too crazy with work and life stuff, especially in the evening – so it felt like a really special treat. The practice was just what I needed. EVERYTHING was tight and hurt, even child’s pose almost had me squirming. (I’ve been more sore than usual testing out the Fit Guide workouts!) It felt so nice to stretch my tight muscles and not have to focus on anything else for 90 minutes. Our instructor also played a fun mix of girl power and mom-centered songs in honor of the holiday. Momaste.  This week, we’re looking forward to getting some stuff finished around the house and just being back into a more solid routine. I’m off to take some workout pics with Lindsay – lots of new workouts on the way!- and get some work stuff done. Hope you have a happy Monday! What was a highlight of your weekend? Any fitness wins? Have you ever ditched a race? xo Gina The post Momaste appeared first on The Fitnessista.

  • Posted by Clickbank Reviews
  • at May 14, 2018 -

Hi hi friends 🙂 How was the weekend? I hope you had a great one, and that all of my mama friends enjoyed a happy Mother’s Day. It was an amazing one, and it was so nice getting to spend some time as a family together again.

After dinner on Friday night

(we walked around the mall for a while then grabbed dinner at Surcheros, a new Chipotle copycat that makes me very thankful),

the Pilot and I popped a bottle of Prosecco and watched the girls run around outside and play. They’re outside so much more often here in Georgia than we ever were in San Diego. It’s funny because we lived right by the beach, but because our backyard was teeny tiny (and there were always people walking down our street), when we went outside it was more of an official event. Our here, they have a ton of space to drive their Power Wheels around, ride scooters, and make mud pies, just like Kyle and I used to do when we were little.

Want to take a wild guess if I ran the 5k on Saturday?

I even had all of my gear out, ready to go.

No races for me

Nope, I totally ditched it. (I can see all of your surprised faces through the computer screen.) I was looking forward to it, but in the end, sleep won, especially after 4 weekends of solo parenting. Also, it was a cross country 5k and I could see myself trying to *race* it (even though I haven’t raced in years now) and spraining my ankle or something stupid. So… I slept in a little instead. Just called me the Finessista-ish. 

W my love

We had breakfast here at home before heading out to Wild Adventures. In the past, we’d usually just go for a couple of hours, but planned to go all out and hit the water park after the theme park. The girls had SO much fun.

We got to pet the animals in the petting zoo,

Baby pig

ride all of their favorite rides,

feed the giraffes,



and enjoy the water park before it started to rain. We were all totally exhausted afterwards in the best way.

Water park

Dinner was a quick and easy Sunbasket meal,

Sunbasket dinner

(turkey burgers with sweet potato wedges and tomato relish)

and we took a family “nature walk” before doing the bedtime rituals. I started this little thing as a way to get in a family walk after dinner while the Pilot was gone. I’ll make a short list of things to find while we’re on our walk, and the girls get really into it. The list will include items like a red leaf, a pretty bird, a piece of trash (that we’ll pick up), and a squirrel. 

After putting the kiddos to bed, we stayed up way too late watching Shameless. Just finished the 2nd second and it was crazy as usual. 

Sunday was Mother’s Day, which means I slept until 9:30 and it was BEEEEAUUUUTIFUL. When I woke up, the Pilot and the girls came back from their Target adventure, and we grabbed brunch at Birdie’s, which is easily our favorite Valdosta spot. We just try to avoid burning out, so we’ll only go max once every other week or so. 

All my faves

Carafe of mimosas,


and I got the usual eggs with sweet potato hash. We missed my madre, nana, MIL, and stepmom, but I loved spending the day with the people who made me a mom. I’m so thankful to be the mama for these amazing little ladies. They keep me on my toes, crack me up, and fill my heart every single day.

Walking after birdies

We spent some time hanging out at home, I got the sweetest, most wonderful cards, and then headed off to an afternoon yoga class. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken a class – it’s been too crazy with work and life stuff, especially in the evening – so it felt like a really special treat. The practice was just what I needed. EVERYTHING was tight and hurt, even child’s pose almost had me squirming. (I’ve been more sore than usual testing out the Fit Guide workouts!) It felt so nice to stretch my tight muscles and not have to focus on anything else for 90 minutes. Our instructor also played a fun mix of girl power and mom-centered songs in honor of the holiday. Momaste. 

Yoga central

This week, we’re looking forward to getting some stuff finished around the house and just being back into a more solid routine. I’m off to take some workout pics with Lindsay – lots of new workouts on the way!- and get some work stuff done.

Hope you have a happy Monday! What was a highlight of your weekend? Any fitness wins? Have you ever ditched a race?



The post Momaste appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista


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