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5 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast


Before & After 70 Pounds Weight Loss Transformation


Protein diet: Three formulas that will enable you to get more fit and assemble muscle

turkey on the table with a female in fitness                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hoping to battle the lump? Here are some high protein formulas that will enable you to get in shape with turkey leftover from Christmas supper.
Something worth mulling over: Here are the means by which a Christmas supper staple could enable you to lose weight.  

Numerous Brits would have seen their waistlines extend amid the bubbly time frame. 

Cheeseboards, mince pies and over the top meal suppers are among the treats that can make you heap on the pounds. 

What's more, as a few of us will, in any case, have Christmas dinner remnants to wolf down, there could be much more weight gain not too far off. 

Fortunately, there is an approach to change your scraps into sound and protein-rich suppers. 

So here's the way to battle the fat in time for the new year. 

High protein foods boost the digestion and help you to shed fat. 

And in addition this, they are said to help muscle development and urge the body to fix itself. 

In case you're hoping to get a greater amount of the supplement into your eating routine, you ought to think about eating more turkey. 

The merry flying creature packs 29g of protein in each 100g and will in general low in fat. 

It is additionally wealthy in zinc, niacin, nutrient B12, and nutrient B6. 

Air pocket and squeak formula made with remaining turkey. 

In the event that you have any turkey lying around after your frigid meal, there are a lot of approaches to toss the meat into a solid feast. 

Here are our main three formula thoughts for weight reduction: 

1. Turkey plate of mixed greens 

turkey in a plate with vegPlates of mixed greens are probably the least demanding dinners to assemble – and they keep well in a sealed shut compartment. 

For a sound lunch or supper, slash a few peppers and tomatoes and place into a bowl. 

Include spinach leaves and your pre-cooked turkey, before sprinkling with a little measure of balsamic vinegar. 

Make a fresh start: Eat your remaining turkey in a crisp salad 

WOK AND ROLL: This sound panfry could likewise assist you with losing weight. CLICK HERE

2. Turkey panfry 

                                                                               In case you're in a rush, this delicious formula could be for you. 
stir fry turkey and veg
Toss some prepared to-wok noodles and protein-rich vegetables in your container. 

Broccoli, mushrooms, and peas are among the plant-based nourishments wealthy in the supplement. 

Complete with your pre-cooked turkey to go through your remains. 

                                                                                       3. Turkey sticks 

Season your cooked meat with garlic, paprika, onion powder, and salt and pepper. 

String onto a stick with some pre-cooked Mediterranean vegetables. 

Warm through on a flame broil, before presenting with cucumber, onion, and tomato serving of mixed greens.




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delightful Hummus and Veggies Breakfast Bowls

This delightful Hummus and Veggies Breakfast Bowls are made with feel-better, tasty fixings that consolidate to make the ideal dinner for early lunch! |  
I have a feeling that I'm most likely everlastingly going to be a slowpoke with regards to trip arranging. 
Particularly with dinners. ? 

I generally so anticipate eating out and attempting new places in the midst of a furlough, and dependably try to doing my examination and requesting proposals and really having an arrangement for where to go on an excursion. Be that as it may, — we should be genuine — being that I'm the sort who begins gathering my bag at 11 pm the night prior to an excursion, it's protected to state that eatery inquires about generally begins, gracious, around an hour prior to it's a great opportunity to eat. ? 

Volume 0% 

Fortunately, Yelp barely ever disappoints me, which demonstrated genuine again when Barclay and I were in NYC two weekends back. Subsequent to arriving at the aeroplane terminal, we were both truly hungry with no arrangement set up. So while Barclay was somewhere down in discussion with our Uber driver in transit in from the air terminal (<– which occurs in each taxi ride we ever take, btw, the person adores conversing with outsiders), I began Yelping the eateries around our inn, searching for a strong place for early lunch. What's more, sufficiently certain, there was this charming little Aussie shoreline bistro a street or too far from our lodging, with a menu loaded with wonderful sound sustenance that everybody appeared to adore. So we chose to look at it first thing on Saturday morning. What's more, wow, Yelp, you did it once more. 

We completely adored this little place! From the brilliant and summery stylistic theme (which felt like a much needed refresher amidst January), to the neighborly servers (with great Aussie pronunciations), to the lovely level whites (dependably a most loved of my half-Kiwi life partner), to the nourishment — gracious my gosh, THE FOOD — this place was an aggregate feature of our excursion. We as of now can hardly wait to return. Be that as it may, up to that point, I couldn't avoid making my very own turns on the two dishes we cherished best when I returned home, and my first endeavour was a flavorful achievement. 

                                                                                             This dazzling Hummus and Veggie Breakfast Bowl.  

This dazzling Hummus and Veggie Breakfast Bowl.See why we cherished this place to such an extent?! 
Superb all around. Thus scrumptious. Barclay couldn't quit talking whatever is left of the day about the amount he cherished his mushroom toast. Be that as it may, I was head over heels for my "Brassicas Bowl". (With, ahem, somewhat side of bacon. ?) 

The bowl was essentially a tribute to the brassicas group of cruciferous veggies — kale, Brussels grows, broccolini (which they simmered), and mustard. Additionally, a liberal swipe of hummus on the plate, loads of toasted sunflower and sesame seeds, and delicate bubbled eggs. 

This scrumptious Hummus and Veggies Breakfast Bowls are made with feel-better, delightful fixings that consolidate to make the ideal feast for informal breakfast! |  
My neighbourhood market still isn't extremely predictable with conveying broccolini, so for my rendition at home, I chose to sub in some crisp asparagus. (Albeit, extremely, any sautéed or cooked veggies would be delectable in this bowl!) 

This delightful Hummus and Veggies Breakfast Bowls are made with feel-better, tasty fixings that join to make the ideal dinner for early lunch! | CLICK HERE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          At that point, I destroyed some Brussels sprouts and kale and hurled them with an essentially lemony mustard dressing. And afterwards, to include some additional protein, I likewise included some remaining quinoa that I had close by, which I adored. Made the plate of mixed greens some portion of the bowl somewhat more healthy. (In spite of the fact that it's absolutely discretionary, obviously.) 
 Brussels sprouts
At that point I simply delicate heated up a few eggs, cut up an avocado, swiped a major spoonful of my most loved hummus onto the side of my bowl, and sprinkled everything with heaps of sunflower seeds and a spot of pulverized red pepper, and… 

This delightful Hummus and Veggies Breakfast Bowls are made with feel-better, tasty fixings that join to make the ideal feast for informal breakfast! | 

… voila. 

This exquisite breakfast was our own to appreciate, notwithstanding being hours from NYC. I completely cherished how light and crisp and delightful the majority of the fixings tasted together. What's more, I've gotta state, I cherished that the whole dish was flavorful. I appear to have lost my sweet tooth with breakfast recently, so everything about this one totally hit the spot. 

So in case, you're hoping to blend things up for breakfast, try it out! It'd be the ideal use for remaining veggies and hummus. What's a more, reward — that kale plate of mixed greens blend will hold up well in the ice chest for no less than 2-3 days, on the off chance that you'd like to make a major group and stretch it out for briefly. You will love it. ;) 

So huge because of Two Hands Restaurant and Bar in Tribeca for the motivation, and expect all of you make the most of my natively constructed interpretation of this one! 


                                                                  HUMMUS AND VEGGIES BREAKFAST BOWL 

This sustaining Hummus and Veggies Breakfast Bowl is loaded up with feel-better, tasty top choices that join to make a consummately exquisite and delectable dinner! 




1 tablespoon avocado oil or olive oil 

1 pound asparagus¹, cut into chomp estimated pieces (with finishes trimmed and disposed of) 

3 mugs destroyed kale leaves 

1 group lemony dressing (see formula beneath) 

3 containers destroyed (uncooked) Brussels sprouts² 

1 ½ container cooked quinoa³ 

½ container hummus 

1 avocado, stripped, set and daintily cut 

4 eggs, cooked any way you'd like (I delicate heated up mine) 

trims: sunflower seeds (or cut almonds), toasted sesame seeds, smashed red pepper 


2 tablespoons avocado oil or olive oil 

2 tablespoons newly crushed lemon juice 

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 

1 garlic clove, minced 

salt and newly split dark pepper 



Warmth oil in an extensive saute skillet over medium-high warmth. Include asparagus and saute for 4-5 minutes, mixing once in a while, until delicate. Expel from the warmth and set side. 

Then, in an extensive blending dish, join the kale and lemony dressing. At that point utilize your fingers to knead the dressing into the kale for 2-3 minutes, or until the point when the leaves are dim and mellowed. Include the Brussels grows, quinoa, and cooked asparagus, and hurl until consolidated. 

To collect the dishes, smear a spoonful of hummus at the edge of each bowl. At that point parcel, the kale plate of mixed greens equitably between the four dishes, top with avocado, egg, and your ideal trimmings. Serve promptly. CLICK HERE


Whisk all fixings together in a little blending dish until consolidated. 

¹ Feel allowed to utilize your most loved vegetable(s) here instead of asparagus, sautéing or simmering them until cooked. 

² To shred your Brussels grows, either meagerly cut them with a blade by hand. Or then again — my top choice — let the plate slicer on a nourishment processor do the majority of the work for you. 

³ To yield about 1.5 mugs quinoa, you will require around 1/2 glass uncooked quinoa and 1 container chicken (or vegetable) stock. Here is my instructional exercise for how to cook quinoa.


7 Foods That Will Help You Feel Less Bloated

We realize that the surefire approach to keep away from occasion swelling is to lay off the turkey, treats, pureed potatoes, broccoli goulash and liquor until after the New Year, however that is simply insane talk. So we're upholding adding certain nourishments to your eating regimen through November and December to diminish awkward swelling — and furthermore reducing salt at whatever point conceivable. 

healthy egg and Asparagus  breakfast"Nourishments that are high in fat and salt can cause tummy fat. Devouring excessively salt makes your body hold water," clarifies enlisted dietitian Dr Cara Walsh from Medifast Weight Control Centers of California. "Eating nourishments high in fat can cause impermanent weight gain, which postpones your stomach from purging, causing swelling. At the point when your body holds water or can't separate a supplement found in your nourishment, this prompts swelling." 

More: These Foods Actually Improve Your Eyesight 

The facts demonstrate that everybody's stomach will extend at any rate fairly in the wake of eating, yet to diminish the swell, take a stab at stocking your formulas with these belly neighbourly treats. CLICK HERE

Plain Greek yoghurt 

Skirt the nectar and the chocolate you dunk into your day by day Greek yoghurt propensity on the off chance that you need to avert swelling. Rather, run au naturel with the great ole-formed plain assortment. The catchphrase here is 'Greek,' as indicated by Walsh. 

"Greek yoghurt has less dairy than particular kinds of yoghurt accessible, so it diminishes swelling in your stomach. Greek yoghurt has not so much sugar but rather more protein than other [types] of yoghurt, settling on it a superior decision for your body," she says. 

Fermented tea 

On the off chance that you haven't attempted fermented tea yet, here's your delicate prod to try it out. It's an obtained preference without a doubt, however, clinical nutritionist Tara Coleman clarifies fermented tea falls into the aged nourishment classification, which incorporates other debloating picks like yoghurt. They help straighten your stomach since they recharge the great microbes in your stomach related track and enhance your processing. Think about taking a drink (or a chug) of fermented tea midafternoon after you've had your lunch to elevate smoother progress to supper. 


Here's another motivation to go after a bunch of child carrots when those cravings for food strike toward the evening. Walsh says these simple nibblers won't make you swell, yet will fulfil your desires.
carrots with carrot juice drink

"Carrots are loaded up with potassium to enable battle to off swelling. The fibre found in carrots fills your stomach and makes you feel full without feeling enlarged or tired," she clarifies. 

More: Yup, Eating the Right Foods During Your Period Can Help Ease PMS Symptoms. CLICK HERE 


While you presumably would prefer not to chomp straight into a hard bit of ginger root (yuck!), Coleman suggests shaving some new pieces into high temp water to make a ginger tea whenever you're feeling somewhat puffy. 

"Ginger contains a stomach related catalyst that enables your body to separate protein, and it can likewise have a pleasant quieting and mitigating impact on your gut," she says. 


On the off chance that your reaction to your wake up timer every morning is sheer fear (and a quiet supplication for only one more hour of rest, please!), we feel you. Yet, rather than turning over and maintaining a strategic distance from the day, we urge you to begin your day with a tall measure of joe and a morning meal that'll give you vitality without swelling you. Walsh says as a result of the high measure of nutrients and minerals that eggs offer, you'll top off quick without being awkward. 


To a greater extent a natural product snacker than a veggie nibbler? Coleman says to lean toward sustenances that contain a high level of water. 

water melons"Melon's high water content enables your body to flush out overabundance sodium, making you feel less puffy and enhancing hydration. They are around 90 per cent water, making it nearly the equal to having a glass of water," she clarifies. From watermelon and melon, slice up a few pieces to keep in the refrigerator at work for simple access. 

Incredible on the flame broil, perfect when served cool in a plate of mixed greens or even cured, asparagus gets the master seal of endorsement all year. Furthermore, all things considered. Walsh says these green geniuses have both pre-and probiotics that assistance keeps up the best possible equalization of gut microscopic organisms while likewise fending off swelling by means of weight reduction. CLICK HERE

What's she mean precisely? All things considered, by, ahem, urging treks to the bathroom. "Asparagus makes you pee, which causes you to flush any additional liquids in your bladder and alleviates swelling," she says. 

So whenever you have a feeling that your stomach is going to fly out of your jeans (regardless of whether nobody else can see it), pop a couple of these nourishments on your plate and you ought to be a great idea to go.


5 High-Protein Winter Recipes To Cut Belly Fat.

We have aggregated our most loved warm and protein-rich winter formulas that you can attempt at home and oversee weight reduction normally. 

flat belly
Protein-rich nourishments are an inherent part of a perfect weight reduction diet. As per specialists around the globe, protein is one of the basic supplements to shed pounds. Protein prompts satiety and furthermore controls the appetite hormone ghrelin, influencing you too long for less. When you are full for more, you need less. When you long for less, you are less inclined to gorge on other stuffing nourishments around. When it comes to fat misfortune, protein is the ruler of supplements; the higher the protein allow, the better it is. High-protein nourishments help enhance our digestion, diminish craving, and will in general change a few weight-controlling hormones. In winters, we will in general long for additional as our body flags our cerebrum that it needs more nourishment to remain warm. This is one reason why it is hard to get more fit in winters. In this rundown, we have accumulated our most loved warm and protein-rich winter formulas that you can attempt at home and oversee weight reduction normally. 

High-Protein Winter Recipes To Try At Home: 

1. Chicken Soup 

soup with winter veggiesGoing through our nippy nights with a warm measure of chicken soup is one of our most loved activities in winters. Chicken is a lean wellspring of protein, improving it a much wager for weight reduction as it is less stuffing than red meat. You can season your soup with winter veggies like spinach and carrot. Ensure you have clear soup and not the velvety adaptations. 

Weight Loss: This High Protein Soup Is Your Ultimate Winter Weapon To Cut Belly Fat)

Weight reduction: You can season your soup with winter veggies like spinach and carrot.  CLICK HERE

2. Quinoa Couscous And Beetroot Tikki 

Quinoa, the pseudo-grain is increasing colossal notoriety in India for its high protein and nutritive profile. The best part about quinoa is that it is a total wellspring of protein, which means it contains all the basic amino acids. This delightful soften in-mouth Tikki also incorporates beetroot, spinach and oats. 

3. Orange Tofu Dumplings 

For veggie lovers, it might inspire somewhat intense to chase for enough protein sources. Notwithstanding meat, they shun devouring dairy as well. Tofu is an astounding vegetarian wellspring of protein. This irreproachable planning joins decency of crushed tofu, wheat rava, orange get-up-and-go, spinach, mushroom and flavorful prunes. There, we saw you slurping! 

4. Apple Chia Seeds Smoothie 

Begin your day with this protein-pressed smoothie overflowing with the integrity of new apples, chia seeds and yoghurt. This luxurious and filling smoothie makes for a perfect post-exercise nibble. CLICK HERE

5. Ayurvedic Khichdi 

India's most famous solace nourishment with Ayurvedic enchantment of turmeric and dark pepper. Pressed with protein-rich goodness of moong dal, this luxurious one-pot feast will be a genuine threat to your spirit. Moong dal is a standout amongst other plant-based wellsprings of protein. Did you realize that 100 grams of moong dal contain 24 grams of protein?! Thus, add it to your weight reduction diet with no blame. 

Moong Dal ki Khichdi Recipe) 
Ayurvedic Khichdi For Weight Loss

Ayurvedic Khichdi For Weight Loss: Packed with protein-rich decency of moong dal, this one-pot supper will be a genuine threat to your spirit. 

Attempt these yummy yet sound formulas at home



Christmas Tree Cheese Platter–Easy Appetizer and Centerpiece with Real California Dairy

Being born and raised in Southern California I’ve never experienced a ‘white Christmas.’ But I’m a warm weather girl through and through, so I’ll happily miss out on that experience. I just can’t relate to someone blissfully standing outside looking up at snow gingerly falling down… they often do a slow spin, smiling up at the tiny white dusting. Not for me… wait, not for me unless those little white flakes are actually CHEESE.

Yes. These are the kind of things I think about – I imagine cheese raining down from the sky and I dance around. It’s silly because snow can’t be cheese… right?

Well… it’s Christmas time and miracles do happen… so maybe it can! If you believe – anything is possible!

And I believe.

So, I made a Christmas Tree Cheese Platter with Real California Dairy. And even though it doesn’t snow in my lil’ corner of California – I found a way to make some ‘snow’ out of one of my favorite cheeses!

How to Make a Christmas Tree Cheese Plate

Note – this can be a small appetizer or huge centerpiece. Make it according to your needs and the number of guests you’re serving. These are the ingredients you’ll need – but amounts are up to you.


Broccoli – chopped

Real California Sharp Cheddar – cut into small cubes

Real California Monterey Jack – cut into small cubes

Real California Cotija cheese (may be located near the refrigerated Hispanic foods)

Crackers or chips

Grape Tomatoes, Carrots or Bell Peppers


  1. On a large platter – arrange broccoli in a large tree shape. Leave 2 sections a little sparse – these will be for the cheese cubes.
  2. Fill in the 2 open sections with the cheese.
  3. Add extra veggies as ‘ornaments’ – grape tomatoes, sliced carrots, bell peppers slices as garland. Spread crackers around the bottom.
  4. Crumble Cotija cheese and sprinkle it all around the tree completely covering the platter.


Tip: Get extra so you can refill the tree as your guests start chopping away at it.

California is home to more than 1,300 dairy farms and 99% of those are family owned.  Remember to look for the Real California Milk seal when shopping for holiday recipes for your family and friends.

Question:  Would you rather dance around in snow or cheese?

RER: On second thought… I’m a little worried about getting it out of my hair…


This post is sponsored by Real California Dairy. All opinions are my own. #savortheseason #CADairy #Holidairy

The post Christmas Tree Cheese Platter–Easy Appetizer and Centerpiece with Real California Dairy appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat


Easy Steel Cut Oats in the Rice Cooker Recipe

I made this super creamy and delicious steel cut oats recipe for a friend last weekend and they raved about it. I was kind of surprised because it’s just my ol’ go-to way to cook steel cut oats. But I have updated this easy recipe a bit over time and this method makes super thick, creamy oats with a touch of sweetness. And it’s easy!

Easy Steel Cut Oats made in rice cooker (427x640)

If you’re not familiar – steel cut oats are made from the whole oat groat. It’s called steel cut because of how the groat is chopped up into tiny pieces. They look smaller than regular oats – but take a lot longer to cook. The result is a chewier texture and nuttier flavor. I love it!

But again – they take a lot longer than regular oatmeal. Cooking steel cut oats on the stove-top takes about 1 hour. And I’m not in the business of standing at the stove top for an hour in the morning! So I like making them in a rice cooker. This way I can put everything in there… go run… and then come home to a warm bowl of oatmeal. (And then you have leftovers for tomorrow’s breakfast!)

I make them with Real California Milk so they’re super creamy. Milk adds a good amount of protein. The combo of whole grains and protein adds up to keep you full longer. And recent studies suggest that it’s important to get enough protein at each meal – basically spread out your intake throughout the day. One cup of milk has about 9 grams of protein. Plus there’s just something comforting about a warm bowl of oatmeal that’s so satisfying.

steel cut oats in rice cooker

Note: I have this rice cooker. It doesn’t have a porridge setting so I use the brown rice option. 

Easy steelcut oats Real California Milk Recipe

Steel Cut Oats in the Rice Cooker Recipe


When that’s done:

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
  • toppings


Mix oats, milk, water and salt in rice cooker pot.

Place in rice cooker and set according to your machine. Choose the porridge setting if you have it OR the brown rice setting.

When it’s done – stir it and add the banana (chop or smash it with a fork first) and cinnamon.

It’s done! Top with your favorite oatmeal toppings like nuts, nut butter, dried fruit, chia seeds, honey, etc.


Portion out the leftovers in separate containers for a fast grab and go breakfast for tomorrow.

easy steel cut oats recipe in rice cooker

*Look for the Real California Milk seal when you’re shopping for dairy.

The seal means it’s made with Real California Milk – from dairy farms all around the state.

Real California Milk logo new Oct 18

Want more?

Since you have breakfast prepped for a few days now… how about planning out your snacks too?

Snacks are an important part of healthy menu planning and this post has a variety ideas to get ya going. And it’s a mix of salty and sweet snack options so there’s something for everyone.

6 Healthy Protein Snack Box ideas 

DIY Protein Snack Box with Cheese 6 ideas 4 (800x800)

or try these

5 Fast and Healthy Smoothie Recipes – one for every day of the week!

PB and J Smoothie Recipe with yogurt (800x800)

Question: What did you have for breakfast?

RER: I had these steel cut oats and topped it with more banana, cranberries and almond butter. Soooo good!!

This post is in partnership with Real California Milk. All opinions are my own.

The post Easy Steel Cut Oats in the Rice Cooker Recipe appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat


Step by step instructions to dispose of instinctive fat: Three sustenances to evade to diminish the destructive paunch fat

Step by step instructions to dispose of instinctive fat: Visceral fat is a kind of muscle versus fat put away in the stomach pit.

It's esteemed the most perilous muscle versus fat since it encompasses fundamental organs, expanding an individual's danger of genuine medical issues.

Outstanding amongst other approaches to decrease this kind of midsection fat is through some straightforward eating routine changes - there are three nourishments, specifically, you ought to maintain a strategic distance from. 

Instinctive fat might be viewed as the most hazardous muscle to fat ratio yet it is really one of the simplest to lose. 

As a result of where it's put away in the body if an individual has excessively instinctive fat, they can beat expanded danger of cardiovascular malady, type 2 diabetes, rest apnea, and hypertension. 

An excessive amount of instinctive fat is typically caused by a terrible eating routine, absence of activity, and additionally a poor way of life propensities. 

Outstanding amongst other approaches to diminish the fat is to eliminate three kinds of nourishment in your eating regimen - liquor included sugar and carbs. 

A standout amongst other approaches to decrease instinctive fat is to eliminate three sorts of sustenance: CLICK HERE 

Included sugar 

Various investigations have indicated overabundance sugar can prompt an expanded gathering of fat in the paunch and liver. 

"Cut down on overabundance and included sugar, particularly fructose," prompts Dr. Luke James, therapeutic chief, UK Insurance at Bupa UK. 

He includes: "Sugar-improved beverages, and specifically fructose-improved ones, have been appeared in some exploration to cause larger amounts of stomach fat than different sorts of sugars. In spite of the fact that you should plan to lessen what amount refined sugar, you have in your eating routine by and large. 

"On the off chance that you have a high admission of sugar, it's been recommended by a few specialists that your liver can't deal with it and procedures it such that outcomes in harm to your wellbeing. 

"So removed games drinks, sugar-improved beverages and different sustenances that have a great deal of included sugar in them. Be careful that low-fat choices may have high measures of included sugar in them so check the sustenance marks. 

"Keep in mind however that entire products of the soil that are normally sweet are beneficial for you. They contain a blend of supplements, characteristic sugars, water and fiber that have a scope of medical advantages. In any case, similar to any sustenance, they can add to weight gain whether you have excessively of them." 

Step by step instructions to dispose of instinctive fat: There are three nourishments you ought to maintain a strategic distance from 



beerLike with included sugar, inquire about has demonstrated drinking excessively liquor can urge fat to be put away as instinctive fat. CLICK HERE

One examination which preferred at 8,603 Korean grown-ups discovered individuals who drank the most liquor likewise had the biggest midsection circuit, which can be a marker of instinctive fat. 

Be that as it may, specialists have noted more examinations are expected to clear up this connection. 


Limiting your admission of carbs is accepted to be a powerful method for losing fat. 


Instructions to dispose of instinctive fat: Added sugar can prompt an expanded collection of stomach fat.

sugar cubes
Step by step instructions to dispose of instinctive fat: Alcohol has additionally been found to energize instinctive fat stores.

In excess of 20 randomized controlled preliminaries have indicated low-carb consumes fewer calories lead to a few times more weight reduction than low-fat eating regimens. 

In one eight-week think about including 69 overweight people, researchers discovered individuals who pursue a low-carb diet lose 10 percent progressively instinctive fat and 4.4 percent more aggregate fat than those on a low-fat eating routine. 

There are some basic way of life transforms you can likewise make to enable you to dispose of instinctive fat. CLICK HERE

One of these is ensuring you get enough rest. 

Studies have shown how the absence of rest can build your danger of instinctive fat gain. 

One examination which traversed more than six years, and included 293 individuals, discovered expanding rest from six hours or less to seven to eight hours decreased instinctive fat gain by around 26 percent. 

Focusing less, attempting discontinuous fasting and taking a probiotic have additionally been found to help.



December: Brought to You By the Letter “P”

Special thanks to Jenny Craig for their sponsorship of this post.

I finally stopped moving long enough to write a blog post tonight.  And, while there’s a ton to share, it seems like most things I have going on begin with the letter P.  So, I figured that was a perfect place to start.


It’s that time of year.  There are so many holiday parties popping up, and I feel like I’m rushing from place to place, and juggling my calendar.  When you’re on a healthy eating program, holiday parties are a bit tricky.  While we can all admit that parties are about celebrating, about the people, and something you don’t want to miss, the platters of decadent dishes can be a little bit hard to deal with.

Yes, I can splurge… but I splurge where I want to splurge, and not because it’s Tuesday.  Last week, I went to the Denver Bloggers Club’s holiday party at the Cherry Cricket in Denver.  The Cherry Cricket is a highly renowned burger joint in the Mile High City, and the food that they presented that night did NOT disappoint.

Burger samples, fried mac and cheese and more, I was also extremely pleased to see a crudité plate and a beautiful salad.  I piled up a plate of veggies, and enjoyed them while everyone gnawed on the cheese-loaded appetizers and burgers.


In that same party scenario, I find it to be important to be part of what’s going on.  While I’m eating veggies in this example, I also have a glass of rosé in my hand.  I want to feel social.  I want to feel part of the party, and I want to participate!

I was able to forego the appetizers, brownies, and milkshakes… but I didn’t want to miss out on a glass of wine.  I could have said no, but I don’t have to every single time.

I prefer to splurge on those things I really love, and not just to splurge for the sake of splurging.  One glass of wine doesn’t break my progress, and participating brings me joy!

The same thing happened on Saturday night when I was baking cookies.  I wanted to participate, and I ate 2 cookies (plus some broken snowflakes.)  It’s all part of the season… and there’s definitely an opportunity to “participate” every single day, which is exactly why I pick and choose.

Prep (As in Food Prep)

I’m keeping my food prep on track, and making sure that I have a full fridge of snacks on hand at all times. My salad game remains strong, and is honestly one of the meals I know I would miss frequently if I didn’t prep them.  Who has time to make a salad every day after all?

Between parties and holiday shopping adventures, having something quick to grab-and-go has been brilliant this season, and I highly recommend it.


I love Harry & David’s seasonal pears, and ordered myself a box using a Groupon I spotted a few weeks back.  They’re also selling these at Trader Joe’s.  Get yourself some pears; They’re AMAZING and a great snack!


I’m pleased to share that after about 10 trips to the post office, all of my packages have been shipped for the holidays!  None of my family lives in Colorado, which means that I travel for the season shipping presents ahead of my arrival.

The USPS is always rockin’ this time of year, so I’ve leaned on the flat rate boxes (and shipping labels) that they offer.  The less time I need to stand in that long line, the better.  I hope you’ve fared well at the post office or (even better) don’t have to ship anything at all!

Purling (Mostly, Knitting!)

Last week, I did something I haven’t done in months.  I picked up a set of knitting needles!  Not only have a failed completely in love with the Isaac Mizrahi yarn at Michaels, but I also have been keeping myself busy every night knitting up a storm!  I’m three scarves in and have my eyes on hats, a fancy cowl, and more scarves as the season continues.

It pairs lovely with your favorite podcast or your favorite show on Netflix.  As a bonus, yo
ur hands stay busy, keeping your hands out of the cookie jar. Trust me, it works.


I’m working on a holiday plan for next week.  Like I mention earlier, I want to participate, but I’d like to pick and choose where.  My sister-in-law Beth is ready for me to show up with a cooler in my suitcase.  I’m planning to pack my Jenny Craig food and bring it with me to Memphis, and I’m planning on having Jenny Craig food for breakfast and lunch, and snacking on my typical shake and anytime bar.

I’m expecting to enjoy dinner with my family.  I’ll only be home three nights, but two evenings are big traditional meals in our family.  Rather than enjoy the pasta on the italian meal night, I’ll have carrot spirals.  Rather than doing the backstroke in the mashed potatoes and gravy on our “thanksgiving dinner” night, and am planning to lobby for some steamed green beans and a colorful salad that night to fill my plate.

I’m only home for three days, and I’m hopeful that my planning will make this all work just fine.


Ok, I had to look that one up, but I wanted to keep the “P” theme going.

The weather has been really gorgeous here in Colorado, in the upper 50s every day, which has me walking (ahem, perambulating) around my favorite lake as much as humanly possible.

With that, another part of the holiday planning involves me planning to get a little physical while I’m home for the holidays.  A little activity always helps offset a little extra calories here and there, and honestly, it’s great for the soul during the holidays.  Great way to clear your mind, get out of the house, and get some fresh air.  Near my brother’s house, there’s some great walking trails and (weather permitting) I’d like to get out and perambulate a little…


I figured out a way to turn the Jenny Craig Chicken Ranch Melt into a pizza, and it’s been my go-to for creating recipes ever since.  By now, you’ve seen my Rainbow Flatbread Pizza that I posted last week.  Wait until you see what I’ve cooked up with the Ranch Melt next…


I started the month thinking that I might be fighting a weight loss plateau, but that’s definitely not a thing.  On the same week I started worrying about this P word, I lost -2.1 lbs.  So, I’m moving in the right direction!  Excited to see how the rest of this month goes.

Disclaimer:  This post is sponsored by Jenny Craig; however, all of the opinions and comments about the program are exclusively my own and do not necessarily represent that of the brand.

Related posts:

Starting to Feel a Little Slip... Guilty Confession
Jenny Craig Recipe Creation: Taco Soup
Jenny Craig Recipe Creation: Sloppy Janes

December: Brought to You By the Letter “P” originally appeared on No Thanks to Cake on 12/17/2018, which is not permitted to be copied on other sites without written permission from the original author.

from No Thanks to Cake


How to Prevent Running Injuries with The Run Experience’s Coach Nate Helming

Today I’m asking Coach Nate from The Run Experience what’s the top secret magic pill we can do to prevent running injuries!

He shares what all runners should be doing on a regular basis – and it only takes 10 minutes – which I love since I’m obsessed with my timer cube and stretching for 10 minute increments. It’s very realistic advice – so you can fit it to your life now. Plus he names the 4 moves you can start with when you’re cross-training at home.

In case you’re new here…

I’m Monica, founder of – a site I started to document my running and weight loss journey. After being overweight most of my life I started walking for exercise and eventually took up running. Now I’ve run over 50 half marathons, 30 marathons, lost weight and have become a holistic health coach. Welcome to the show!

Follow @RunEatRepeat on instagram and check out for recipes, training plans, random life updates and more!

Before we talk to Coach Nate – let’s warm up!

Run Eat Repeat pod logo

Warm Up:

And several times a week I’ll hear a particularly awesome episode of a show. If I can I stop and screenshot it so I can tell someone about it later. And now I’m telling someone… you!

My recent favorite is kinda funny because it’s a business type podcasts but I took something different from it

And this weekend I was listening to The Amy Porterfield podcast – she covers online marketing. I go through phases of listening to different topics obsessively and haven’t been into this one lately but I’m glad I did.

The Amy Porterfield podcast 238 with Seth Godin. The title is Success Secrets to Serving the Smallest Viable Market with Seth Godin. Amy Porterfield is interviewing him about his new book – This is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You See. Seth Godin has a podcast too and he’s written a few very successful books on business and marketing. I think I’ve hear about him from other podcasts and tried to check out his show but he talks kinda slow to listen to while running.

They were talking about how to get and connect with customers. Even though I usually don’t listen to this show I’ve been very curious about Seth Godin and I was hoping he talked a little faster in interview format so I listened on a run this weekend. I liked what they were talking about – instead of always focusing on more content, more people – focus on the people you have and what they want. I love that because I like you – and I’d rather make episodes on topics you want to hear instead of changing it to get more people.

But something he said really hit me – but not about business.

We’re always trying to avoid a “No” because we take it personally. And he was talking about marketing but it hit me about relationships.

I’ve been in situations where I’ve been happy keeping it casual because I don’t want to commit to one person or feel like I’m backing them into a corner and risk them going away. I keep it in a maybe / in between situation because it’s safer on some level. But that’s not better.

If you ask someone something and they say ‘Maybe’ it takes the pressure off. They’ve given you an answer that doesn’t really mean anything. So now what?

But a ‘No’ is good because it’s clear – what you’re offering is not for this person. Good! Now you are clear that you should move on to something (or someone) else.

This can apply to relationships and dating – but also friendships or running buddies. If you keep asking someone to run with you and they say ‘maybe…’ or ‘later…’ –  you’re just waiting. Ask a more specific question and pin it down. If it’s a no or a not now – find another running buddy.

And if you’re dating someone and they’re giving you a maybe – make it a yes or no and if it’s a no – move on.


Now… let’s get to the main event!

The Run Experience Running Coach Nate

Running Coach Nate Helming – co founder of the Run Experience head coach.

Nate Helming – Head Running Coach and Co-founder of The Run Experience. Coach Nate is a very talented athlete who struggled with aches and pains while training for races and triathlons. That inspired a shift in his focus to helping other runners and triathletes train hard and avoid injuries. His certifications include: USA Triathlon I, CPR/First Aide, Cross Fit I, CrossFit Mobility, CrossFit Endurance, Carl Paoli’s Free Style connections.

Nate Helming is based in San Francisco and in addition to coaching runners and triathletes of all levels, he trains Olympic level cyclists, professional triathletes, elite mountain bikers, and national-level ultra runners on strength and mobility. Nate has traveled around the world to speak about better strength training for endurance athletes, and regularly publishes videos and articles on how runners can do it better!

You can follow him and other running coaches on The Run Experience.

How to Prevent Running Injuries with the Run Experience’s Coach Nate

– 10 Minutes of ‘poking around your body’

– Nate suggests Netflix and Mobilize aka use your TV time to foam roll (or use a wine bottle!), stretch and check in with your body. This is a great time to find out if there are any areas that need extra rest or attention.

–  Instead of running more and more miles – use extra time to incorporate stretching, mobility and strength training.

– There are so many things you can do at home to support and further your training.

– The first 4 moves runners should start with when they’re starting a cross-training plan at home.

the run experience how to train site

The Run Experience is a website, social media and YouTube channel with videos and training plans for runners of all levels.

You can get more info and links to The Run Experience and their Youtube Channel on Run Eat

The Run Experience tips on injury prevention Listen when your body whispers (640x640)


I’m going to give a shout out to my favorite must have running items to have at home.

1. Foam Roller – I have a big dense long foam roller like this one: High Density Foam Roller in grey or black

And I have a smaller blue bumpy one: Rollga Foam Roller with bumps

2. Time Cube – there are different options. I recently got one that has a 10 minute interval – perfect for the 10 minute check in with your body AND 10 minutes of post-run stretching.

I have this one – The Miracle Time Cube Timer. They have different time intervals on the cube so make sure you’re getting the one with 10 minutes.

3. Yoga mat – preferably a thick one. I also really want a wide one. I want a ridiculously wide big yoga mat!

Check out this one – super wide yoga mat for people like Shaq and Monica.

Run Eat Podcast vm line (640x640)


Thank you for listening! Make sure you’re subscribed to the show so new episodes show up right away!

If you want to get me a gift – don’t, because that’s not my love language. But words of affirmation are so reviewing the show or telling someone about it would mean the world to me!

Tag @RunEatRepeat and tell me what you’re doing while listening… like Kristen who was listening on her 5 mile run this morning.

The post How to Prevent Running Injuries with The Run Experience’s Coach Nate Helming appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat